Establish Depth Benchmark Area –
Observation Date: | 12 March, 2012 |
Dive Team Members: | Mike Soldwisch – Martin McClellan |
Begin Time:10:00am | End Time:11:45am |
Weather Conditions: | Clear with a slight breeze |
Wind | Direction : Swirling in Hurricane Bay but blowing N-NE Speed: 5-10 MPH Duration: Continued throughout the dive and increased in intensity throughout |
Water Conditions | |
Surface | Ripple waves but no whitecaps |
Last 24 hrs: | Calm in mornings and breezy in afternoons |
Temperature: | Surface- 46f At Depth- 42f |
Visibility: | Vertical- 35+ft could see boat anchors from surface Horizontal- 40-45ft |
Current: | Direction- None Speed- N/A |
Site Depth Benchmark reading: No benchmark yet set | |
Animal & Plant Life | |
Fin Fish | Description : 0 Quantity: 0 |
Copepod | Est. Density: Low |
Invasive Species | None |
Mysis Shrimp | Est. Density: None |
Team Observations/Comments: Today’s dive by NMDE was to scout out a good location to place the Project Baseline depth benchmark and visibility station. Traveling about 4500 feet along the shoreline in a north by north east direction, we scootered the 40 -70 foot depth column observing as we moved along. There were several areas of heavy branch and leaves slowly deteriorating in the water just below areas of heavy aspen groves, creating an interesting shade/tint to the water of yellowish brown. What was most dominantly noticed is directly in the shallows off the parking on HWY 89 was thick algae growth attached to the rocks in the 5-10 foot range and when viewed from approximately 30 feet this algae had an incredible fluorescent green tinge to it. Something the team had never observed in 20 years of diving this site. |